Immune-Boosting Foods May Add to Flu Defense.As U.S. health officials recommend flu shots and frequent hand washing for protection during this season’s influenza outbreak, dietitians point to another significant defense weapon: healthy foods. Immune-boosting...
Leonard Smith: Gut Health Linked to Heart Disease and Stroke.The gut connection to overall health, a connection Dr. Brenda Watson and I have been exploring and educating about for many years, is growing stronger every day. Week after week, researchers around the world...
Rachele M. Pojednic, Ed.M, M.S.: Chemical Foods and the Science That Will Save Us.Michael Pollan, esteemed writer and noble defender of the dinner table, has been a leading crusader for real food, most recently in favor of GMO-labeling and against California’s...
Gut Bacteria May Prevent Type 1 Diabetes.Researchers have found an unlikely way to block development of type 1 diabetes in females — exposing them to bacteria from the gastrointestinal tracts of males. But turning that finding into an effective treatment is...
Maria Rodale: 9 Natural Ways to Prevent the Flu This Winter.With the holiday spirit come and gone and 2013 already entering its third week, there’s only one winter milestone left to hit before we plod our way into spring: flu season.Chances are many of you have...
Amy Rothenberg, ND: Licensure for Naturopathic Doctors.I have been a practicing naturopathic doctor (ND) for the past 27 years, most of that time in Connecticut, where I enjoy the benefits and responsibilities of state licensure and a busy practice. Each day when I go...