The Huffington Post ( – An MS-Stricken Doctor Changes Her Diet… and Reverses Her ‘Irreversible’ Decline – By Meryl Davids Landau –(Wednesday, December 19, 2012)-
When you have secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, you’re not supposed to get better. No one knows that better than Dr. Terry Wahls, the assistant chief of staff at the Iowa Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Wahls herself was diagnosed with MS in 2000 and watched her physical abilities steadily decline. Several years later, when she found herself unable to walk or even sit up in a wheelchair, Walhs became determined to improve. Having already seen the best doctors at the renowned Cleveland Clinic and taken the state-of-the-art drugs, she knew she had to do something radical.
Wahls turned to the ancient healing remedy of food, completely transforming her diet. Remarkably, her fatigue lessened, and she was soon sitting up — and walking. Five months later, she got on a bicycle, eventually riding for long distances.