An Allergy Treatment That Goes Under the Tongue

Symptoms: Allergy Treatments – a person to allergies usually involves a series of injections of small amounts of allergens, but a large review of studies has found that putting allergens under the tongue in a water solution might work...

Where do allergies come from?

Where do allergies come from? – Scientists know what causes allergies. When particles of pollen, pet dander or certain types of food enter our bodies, they’re called antigens. If your body has a sensitivity to that particle, it mistakes the...

Gluten-Free Diet Appeals To 30 Percent Of Adults, Survey Says

Gluten-Free Diet Appeals To 30 Percent Of Adults, Survey Says.Thirty percent of adults are interested in avoiding or cutting down on gluten in their diets, says a survey from the NPD Group, a consumer research firm. NDP has been following gluten-free issues since 2009...

Breast Milk Promotes Healthy Gut Bacteria in Babies

Breast Milk Promotes Healthy Gut Bacteria in Babies, Study Says – Infants may fail to develop a healthy mixture of intestinal bacteria if they are delivered by Caesarean section or do not drink breast milk, researchers are reporting. Previous...